University of Kalyani, West Bengal
A multi-channel community campaign to connecting users
BIF Centre has been providing scientific supports to the researchers throughout the world. Workshops and Training Programs are being conducted regularly. Till now, more than ten research scholars have completed their scientific works. It has collaborations with University of Piemonte Orientale, Italy, IICB, Bose Institute, IISER-Kolkata, Calcutta University.

1. To create awareness among Biological Science disciplines and to encage them for inter disciplinary research. Hence, the first objective is to provide a well-developed Bioinformatics platform for the purpose of both research and teaching.
2. To work on biological data acquisition, creation and development of programs and databases needed by the users.
3. Develop more human resces in this subject To develop a Bioinformatics hub at Kalyani by sharing resces

Till now, more than ten research scholars have completed their scientific works and received their Ph.D degrees by using the facilities of the BIF Centre. The BIF Centre caters to the needs of the students outside the University, both at the national and International levels.
During the tenure October, 2022 to September, 2023 two workshops were conducted and more than 50 participants took part in the workshops. Prof. Luigia G Fresu, University of Piemonte Orientale, Italy collaborated with us for his student Mr. HARI BASKAR BALASUBRAMANIAN to perform his Bioinformatics analysis.
The centre is in the process of developing new databases and tools.
It is in the only place in and around Kalyani which serves the purposes of both teaching and research in the field of Bioinformatics along-with some intranational collaborations.