RAPiD is an add-on for identifying the unique bands by generating different colors (from the inputted gel data “0” or “1” for the absence or presence respectively) in a Microsoft Excel format directly from the Excel sheet. The resulting color bands can be clustered and analyzed further. RAPiD is an Excel Basic macro and can, therefore, be integrated directly into your installation of Excel, eliminating the need for an external program to analyze your gel bands.
Installation Instructions
The file RAPiD.xls below contains the Excel macro. It is very easy to use RAPiD you can simply download the RAPiD.xls file below and keep it handy. Once you have installed the macro, you will have a menu option (a smiley icon) or simply press ‘Ctrl+R’ which will launch the RAPiD program. Alternatively you can access the RAPiD program by selecting ‘Tools’ and select ‘Macros’ and ‘Run’. Based on your requirement you can highlight the presence or absence of bands, cluster the bands, and also clear the highlighted bands. It is very easy, whenever you need to analyze your gel bands, you can load the Excel sheet and hit the smiley button.
RAPiD has no formal documentation, as it is fairly self-explanatory. The RAPiD window box contains a ‘help’ panel, which contains a simple guide for new users.