Dr. Shubhra Ghosh Dastidar


Profile Information

Brief History of the Centre:-
Bose Institute is Asia's first modern research centre devoted to interdisciplinary research. Since inception, the Institute has been visited by numerous stalwarts, such as the writer Aldous Huxley (1926), heads of foreign states like King Albert I of Belgium (1925) and President Brezhnev of USSR (1959). Over the decades, many Nobel laureates from several countries like Neils Bohr, Archibald Hill, Robert Millikan, Frederic Joliot-Curie, Irene Joliot-Curie, Joshua Lederberg, Patrick Blackett, Sir John Cockroft, Arthur Kornberg, Robert Synge, Gerhard Herzberg, Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, Paul Crutzen, Richard Ernst, Har Gobind Khorana, Sir George Porter, Sir Anthony Leggett, Harald zur Hausen, Sir Richard Roberts, Derek Barton, Venkatraman Ramakrishnan, Ada Yonath etc. have visited the Institute. The Institute has also been visited by many distinguished scientists like Ronald Fisher, George Gamow, Sir Harold Jeffreys, E Newton Harvey, John D Bernal, Sir Harold Spencer Jones, Harlow Shapley, Farrington Daniels etc.

Approved Objectives of the Centre:-
1. Primary Objective 1: Understanding the cellular pathways and strategies adopted by the cells at molecular level that causes a malfunction leading to specifically Breast, Ovarian, Cervical and Lung cancer.
2. Primary Objective 2: Understanding the structural biology of the macromolecules involved in the diseases mentioned above, including their structural dynamics, interactions that determine their function, leading to the design of therapeutic peptides/small molecules to combat the diseases.
3. Secondary Objective 1: Unravelling the contribution of Human and Microbiome in health and disease.
4. Secondary Objective 2: Design of therapeutic molecules against plant pathogens, specifically against diseases of Leaf, e.g. Leaf Blight disease.
5. Secondary Objective 3: Revealing the molecular nature of stress resilience in a cultivated crop 6. Training, workshop, teaching.
6. Development of Tools/software and databases

  • Full Name:   Dr. Shubhra Ghosh Dastidar
  • Tel:  
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  • Location:   Bose Institute Unified Academic Campus EN 80, Sector V, Bidhannagar Kolkata 700091, India
  • Website: