Publications Details
S.No. Authors Title Journal Volume Pages Year
1 #Tyagi, Rashmi#Paul, Anubrat#Raj, V. Samuel#Ojha, Krishna Kumar#Kumar, Sunil#Panda, Aditya K.#Chaurasia, Anurag#Yadav, Manoj Kumar A Drug Repurposing Approach to Identify Therapeutics by Screening Pathogen Box Exploiting SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease Chemistry and Biodiversity 20 2023
2 #Nagrale, D. T.#Chaurasia, A.#Kumar, S.#Gawande, S. P.#Hiremani, N. S.#Shankar, Raja#Gokte-Narkhedkar, N.#Renu#Prasad, Y. G. PGPR: the treasure of multifarious beneficial microorganisms for nutrient mobilization, pest biocontrol and plant growth promotion in field crops World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 39 1 2023