1. CAT Ver. 1.0     

   To help students, researchers in systamatics, automatic numerical taxonomic coding system (NIO CODE) has been developed. A code upto 12 digit represents the organism upto the level of species, subspecies or variety.  

  • Utilizing the NIO CODE a package has been developed to provide the systematics of all coded organisms. Christened as "CAT (Computer Aided Taxonomy)" . The package provides systamatics of the desired organism. First version (CAT ver. 1.0) of the package with access to systamatics of more than 3000 marine organisms is ready for dissemination.
2. NIODMLI TOUR Ver 1.0 

    In order to provide the insight of the NIODMLI (NIO’s Database on Marine Life of India) database being developed by the centre, demonstration package called NIODMLI TOUR Ver. 1.0 has been developed.  

3. CATIS Demo 

    This demonstration package has been developed jointly NIO DISC and C-DAC. Package aims at explaining the capabilities of advanced computing tools like multimedia and expert system in handling and solving the problem of identification of marine flora and fauna.