The present collection is represented
by a male from Bombay.
It measures:- length of carapace ... 51 mm. breadth of carapace ... 82 mm. length of cheliped ... 132 mm.
A sharply dentiform lobule at the outer end of the lower border of the orbit is characteristic of this species. Colour yellowish brown with two large white spots on either branchial region, chefipeds scarlet pink, the tips light brown, extreme tips whitish. The posterior border of the propodite of the last pair of legs is serrated throughout. The sixth male abdominal segment has its sides parallel or even slightly divergent in at least two-thirds of its extent. In the anterior male abdominal appendages, there is
no bend near the tip, The inner margin in its distal part is beset with
hairc,. There is a fringe of hairs on the distal part of the outer margin