A male, with both the chelipeds broken
off, was caught off the Gulf of Cutch at a depth of 25 fathoms.
It measures :- In this species the antennal flagellum is completely excluded from the orbital hiatus and the posterior border of the carapace forms an angularwith the postero-lateral borders. The posterior border of the arm of the chelipeds ends in a spine. The last tooth of the anterolateral borders is a long, Neplunus-like spine at least twice as long as those in front of it. Colour dirty white. The posterior border of the propodite of the last pair of legs is finely serrated. The sixth male abdominal segment is truncate-triangular, having almost no curve to the sides. In the specimen in the present collection, the two granular subregional convexities of the anterior Part of the gastric region are distinct ridges. There is a terminal spinule on the posterior border of the mcrus of thepenultimate pair of legs. The lower orbital border outside the inner angle is finely crenulate. The anterior male abdominal appendages are extremely broad
at the base. The tip is spoon-like and bears hairs along both borders.