All average male measures:
length of carapace 23 mm. breadth of carapace 28 mm. breadth of front 17 mm. This species is distinguished by the carapace being seven-eighths as long as broad, with markedly convergent sides and the absence of traiisverse markings on the post-frontal region. The front is nearly three. fourths the greatest breadth of the carapace ; its free edge is nearly straight and laminar. The orbils are oblique, and the inner angle of their lower border is not dentate. The fingers of the chelipeds are much longer than the upper border of the palm. Except in the last pair of legs, the greatest breadth of the meropodites is decidedly less than half their length. The terminal male abdominal segment has a three-lobed appearance. The segments of the male abdomen from the first to the penultimate are of the same width, their sides being parallel ; the last segment suddenly narrows to a point.
The anterior male abdominal appendages are coarse and thick; the tip is
a separate hammerhead-shaped lobe with serrated margins.