tunitricuspis K.D
J. Linn. Soc. 110: 95-110, 1992
Fruiting bodies on host fronds as light coloured raised circular spots,
up to 950 µm in diam., with small central ostiolar dots covered with a
thin layer of light brown crust-like material (hyphae), in section lenticular,
developing beneath the host epidermis cells with overlaying clypeus and
variable development of stromatic tissue laterally. Ascomata one per clypeus,
155-280 m m high x 340-620 m m in diam., ostiolate, periphysate.
144-180 x 7-11.5 m m, 8-spored, cylindrical, short-pedunculate, thin-walled,
unitunicate, with an apical apparatus, not staining blue in Melzer's reagent.
17-26 x 4.8-7.0 m m, uniseriate, hyaline, ellipsoidal, 1-celled, developing
up to three pseudosepta, with a mucilaginous sheath with 3 or 4 extensions.
Mucilaginous envelope 12-13 m m thick at the ascospore poles and 9-12
m m at the mid region.