Sydowia 44: 32-54, 1992
Ascomata: Appearing on host fronds
as brown or black, raised dome-shaped spots, 650-1170 m
m diam., with a central short papilla and containing one ascoma developing
below the clypeus, lenticular in section, with variable amounts of stromatic
tissue laterally, 195-325 m m high, 520-1040
m m in diam., brown to black, ostiolate, periphysate.
Asci: 150-215 x 7.5-12 m
m, 8-spored, long-cylindrical, unitunicate, long pedunculate, tip rounded
and containing a ring-like apical apparatus, with semi-fissitunicate dehiscence.
Ascospores: 98-140 x 2-3 m
m, arranged spirally in the ascus, hyaline, filiform, straight, slightly
curved, or mostly sigmoid, with refringent septum-like bands, ends slightly
inflated and rounded, with small pad-like conspicuous appendages at each