Savoryella longispora E.B.G.
Jones and K.D. Hyde
Bot. Mar. 35: 83-91, 1992.
Ascomata: 192-326 µm high x 116-224 µm in diam.,
superficial or partly immersed, subglobose or ellipsoidal, pale brown
to dark brown, ostiolate, papillate, periphysate, membranaceous, solitary.
Asci: 112-156 x 15-22 µm, 8-spored, elongate-cylindrical
or clavate, short pedunculate, thin-walled, unitunicate, semipersistent
or persistent.
Ascospores: 33.5-46.5 x 7.5-12 µm, uni- to biseriate,
ellipsoidal, 3-septate, central cells brown, apical cells, hyaline, constricted
at the septa.