Unbranched, rhizomatous, looks like sunken palm
Several spath
Male inflorescence catkin like
Carpels 3 aggregate
Fruit medium upto 12 cm long

Leaves  pinnatisect or pinnate
Dwarf palm of tidal swamps, stem much branched and buried
Fruit hexagonal

Nypa  steck

Unbranched, caudex palm, looks like syslvestris palm
Single spath
Male inflorescence not catkin
Carpels 3, united
SFruit small, upto 1.5 cm long

Tall suboliferous palms, 4 - 8 m tall with erect and unarmed stem
Leaf-segment ensiform with induplicate margin
Fruit oblong, terete
Fruit small, round or ovoid, 1 or 2 seeded berry
Fruit with no fibrous husk

Phoenix  L.