Phoenix paludosa Roxb.
Unbranched, perennial palm, upto a height
of 5 m or more with top foliages and sharp spines in the stem and leaf
Stem slender, cylindrical, unbranched
upto 10.5 cm diam., covered with dark fibrous sheath and long, ppointed
base, distinct leaf scars, encircling the stem
Leaves pinnately compond and rachis spirally
arranged on the top of the stem
Base of the rachis sharp spiny and stem
base to mostly covered with spines or fibrous leaf sheaths
Inflorescence spadix, peduncle branched,
spathe 45 cm long, boat shaped, yellow, spongy glabrous, deciduous
Male flowers sessile, erect, 0.65 cm long
and 0.45 cm across.
Sepals 3, gamosepalous, cup-shaped, glabrous,
valvate, stout
Petals 3, polypetalous, ovate-lanceolate,
entire, acute, curved, thick, glabrous, imbricate
Stamens 6, free, sessile
Female flowers sessile, erect, 0.5 cm
long and 0.35 cm across.
Sepals 3, gamosepalous, cup shaped, glabrous,
valvate, stout
Petals 3, imbricate, ovate, curved, entire,
acute, thick
Carpels 3, syncarpous, ovary superior,
dumbel shaped
Style 0, stigma 3, short
Fruit a drupe (Sea-date) shinning, black
when ripe. Seeds woody, very hard on maturity
Germination hypogeal.
Gregarious, bushy, stoloniferous or dwarf
stemless palm, upto 4 m high
Stem base 20 - 25 cm in diam., supported
by spongy needel-like, perforated breathing roots
Leaves forming a crown, 2 - 3.5 m long,
imparipinnate with many ensiform segments
Segments waxy, glabrous, midrib strong,
ending into strong sharp spine at apex.
Few pairs of lower segments modified into
sharp spines.
Inflorescence a spadix
Spadices thickly coriaceous, simple branched,
arising in between leaves
Spathes 20 - 30 cm long, brownish, enclosing
the flower
Flowers diocious, yellowish-white, small,
Stemens 3 (in male flower) carpels 3 (in
female flowers)
Fruit drupeceous, 10-12 mm, oblong or
ellipsoid, 1seeded, shining black when ripe.
Economic Importance : The stem is used
to build cottages and also used as fire woood.