Sarcolobus globosus  Wall.

Sarcolobus globosus Wall 

Prostrate and climbing herb or shrub, poorly branched, prescence of milky latex 
Tap root deep sunken, often exposed due to soil erosion but without aerial roots. 
Leaves simple, opposite, decussate, exstipulate, petiolate 
Lamina elliptic-oblong, entire, acute, angled, coriaceous, 8.5 cm long and 4.0 cm broad, glabrous, dorsiventral, green, unicostate reticulate venation conspucuous. 
Branched cyme, peduncle firstly trifurcate, then bifurcate, thick, terete, glabrous, solid 
Flower ebracteate, complete, bisexual, regular, erect, medium, pedicellate, pentamerous, rosaceous, hypogynous 
Sepals 5, polysepalous, inferior, imbricate, ovate, entire, acute, tufted, glabrous, slightly thick, shiny, alternate to petals, persistent 
Petals 5, gamopetalous, inferior, ovate, entire, acute, pink-white, deep pink coloured, gradually pointed at mid portion, twisted, distinct hairy on the both surface at mid-portion 
Stamens 5, gynoestigium, attached to stigma, corona absent, filament short 
Carpels 2, syncarpous, ovary superior, pyramid shaped, whitish green, two chambers, many ovules in each chamber, axile placentation, Style 1, terminal, Stigma 2, glabrous, bipartite 
Fruit siliqua, brown, seeds numerous, brown, flattened.