Sarcolobus carinatus  Wall.
Sarcolobus carinatus  Wall. 

Climbing herb or shrub, branched, presence of milky latex 
Tap root deep sunken, sometimes prostrate roots are exposed due to soil erosion, without any aerial  roots. 
Leaves simple, opposite, decussate, exstipulate, petiolate 
Lamina elliptic-oblong, entire, acute, cup-shaped or angled, coriaceous, glabrous, green, dorsiventral, distinct mid-vein, unicostate reticulate venation conspicuous. 
Inflorescence corymbose, peduncle unbranched, arising at the nodal axis, bract scars present on the peduncle, braceate, bracts short, alternately arranged, ovate, entire, blunt 
Flower complete, bisexual, regular, pedicellate, pendulous, solid, terete, glabrous, pentamerous, hypogynous, cup-shaped 
Sepals 5, polysepalous, inferior, imbricate, ovate, entire, acute, glabrous, slightly thick, deciduous. 
Petals 5, gamopetalous, interior, ovate, entirem acutem white-pink, scattered brown dot like spots on outer surface of petals, 5 apical beaks above and below short hollow tube, hairy, alternate to sepals. 
Stamens 5, gynoestigium attached to the stigma, corona absent, filament short 
Carpels 2, syncarpous, superior, ovary pyramid shaped, glabrous, whitish gree, two chambers, axile placentation, style 1, terminal, stigma 2, globose, bioartite, short 0.08 cm long. 
Fruit siliqua, fruit coat terminated into a short beak, yellowish green, seeds numerous.