Represented by one genus with 3 species
and a variety in Indian mangroves
Stem blackish in colour
Leaves glaucous, whitish, tomentose beneath
Lanceolate, to oblong lanceolate;
glabrous above
Flower yellow in long spike
Ovary villous; hairy in the middle
Fruits ovoid, smooth leaves lanceolate,
Flowers orange in 10 - 32 flowered head
Ovary glabrous below, hairy above
Fruit ellipsoid, mucronate pilose
Leaves ovate-lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate
Trees, 10 - 30 m tall. Stem greyish
in colour
Leaves whitish underneath, coriaceous,
elliptic-oblong or ovate-oblong, obtuse glabrous, smooth and shinning above
Inflorescence umbellate
Capsule broadly ovoid, beaked.