Ipomoea  L.

 prostrate week stemmed, much branched herb on the sea side sandy areas
Acts as sand binder.
Medicinally leaves are used in rheumantism, astringent, stomachic alteration, tonic, diuretic and laxative
Ipomoea pes-caprae  (L.)

Glabrous, woody twining shrub, terete or angular, often longitudinally wirnkled.
Leaves orbicular or ovate 5 - 15 x 5 -10 cm deeply cordate at the base.
Inflorescence axillary, one-few flowered
penduncle terete, variable in length; white with green bands.
Capsule globular, glabrous pale brown 2-celled, 4-valved

Ipomoea tuba  (Sch.)