Cynometra ramiflora  Linn.
Cynometra ramiflora  Linn. 

Small tree attaining the height upto 8 - 15 m tall, deliquiscent, branched, evergreen perenial tree 
Tap root system well developed but no aerial roots 
Bark glabrous, not fissured, grayish 
Leaves unijugate or bijugate, compound, exstipulate paripinnate, 
Rachis upto 8 cm long, terte, solid, glabrous 
Leaflets 2.5 cm - 4 cm long and 1 cm 1.5 cm wide, lower pairs of leaflets comparatively small, midcosta obliquely placed, elliptic, entire, obtuse, angular, coriaceous, dorsiventral, glabrous, green