Calyx: the outer envelop of the flower. consisting of sepals. free or united. 

      Capitate: in a globular or head- shaped cluster. 

      Capsule: a dry dehiseent fruit made of more than 1 carpel (segment) 

      Cordate: heart- shaped. as seen at the base of a deeply- notched leaf: see p.6 

      Corolla: petals. collectively. 

      Cotyledon: the embryo leaf in a seed. often functioning as the first leaf of a seeding. 

      Caducous: falling off early. 

      Carpel: a modified leaf forming an ovary bearing the ovules . 

      Catkin: a type of inflorescence having usually of unisexual flowers without petals, solitary or twin in the axils of  

      Caudate: with a tail-like ending. 

      Cilia: a marginal hair. 

      Ciliate: hairy along margins. 

      Clavate: club shaped. 

      Clawed: with a narrow, tapering base, especially of petals. 

      Column: a solid body formed from fusion of stamens and styles. 

      Coma: a tuft of hairs at the end of seeds. 

      Compound: formed of similar parts grouped in a whole, usually of leaves consisting more than one separate  

      Connate: united to one another. 

      Convolute: rolled up along the margins. 

      Cordate: deeply notchsd at base, conventional heart-shaped. 

      Coriaceous: leathery. 

      Corolla: the interior series of the perianth. 

      Corona: an inner appendage to the corolla or petals sometimes appears like a second corolla, or a ligular  
      outgrowth of the stamens. 

      Corymb: a type of inflorescence with several flower-stalks arising at different levels which reach more or less  
      the same level at the top. 

      Culm: the stem of a grass or bamboo. 

      Cuneate: wedge-shaped. 

      Cyme: a type of inflorescence in which the secondary or lateral branches continue to grow and may extend  
      beyond the main axis.