Dehiscent: opening spontaneously to release the seeds of the fruit. 

      Determinate: inflorescence in which the oldest flower is at the end of the main axis with the younger flowers 
      arising from below. The cyme is the only example of this type 

      Dichotomous: branching by repearted division into two equal parts. 

      Distal: situated farthest from the place of attachment. 

      Dichasial: a condition of inflorescence in which all the axes end in flowers from below which lateral opposite 
      branchlets arise. 

      Didynamous: in two unequal pairs. 

      Dimorphous: occurring in two different forms. 

      Dioecious: male and femal flowers segregated on different plants. 

      Disk: a swollen portion of the axis of the flower inside the calyx and under the pistil. 

      Discoid: with a disk (or disc) 

      Dorsal: relating to the back. 

      Divaricate: extremely divergent. 

      Drupe: a fleshy fruit with 1- many-celled stony seeds.