Lanceolate : lance - shaped : several times longer than wide. broadest toward the base and tapering to apex 

      Latex : the milky juice of some plants like Excoecaria agallocha. 

      Leaflet : one of the divisions of a compound leaf 

      Lenticel : pocket of corky cells on woody stem or root allowing exchange of gases between interior of plant and atmosphere. 

      Lobe : any segment of an organ especially if rounded. 

      Lanceolate: shaped like a lance-head. 

      Legume: fruit of pea-family members. 

      Lenticelled: with pores on the bark. 

      Ligule: a membranous strap-shaped organ, usually in grasses at the base of the leaf inside. 

      Lodicule: small thickenned scaly structures in the flowers of grasses. 

      Lomentum: a legume with constructions between the seeds dehiscing along the constrictions and falling apart on maturity.