Obovate : egg-shaped in outline. attached at the narrow end. reversed  ovate 

      Oval : loosely used for a broadly elliptical shape. the width over 1/2 the length : some authors have used it as the same as ovate: 

      Ovary : female organ of flower. situated in center of the flower and developing  into the fruit containing seeds. 

      Ovate ; egg-shaped in outline. attached at the wide end. 

      Ovoid : a 3 - dimensional figure. ovate in outline. 

      Obconic: inversely conical. 

      Oblanceolate: inversely lance- shaped. 

      Oblique: a shape with half more large than the other; usually of leaf-bases. 

      Oblong: longer than broad with sides nearly parallel. 

      Obovate: reversed ovate shape. 

      Obtuse: blunt ended. 

      Orbicular: circular in outline. 

      Ovary: the swollen or flask- shaped part of the pistil enclosing the ovules.