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Perennial : a plant lasting for 3 or more years : a stem not dying back over the dry season. Petiole : the stalk of a leaf blade or of a compound leaf. Phenology : the complex annual course of flushing. quiescence. flowering. fruiting and leaf fall in a given environment. Pistil : the seed-producing organ. consisting usually of ovary. style and stigma. Palea: chaffy or transparent scale on the inflorescence. Palmate: like a palm with widely divergent fingers; usually of a compound leaf with leaf-lets. Panicle: a repeatedly branched inflorescence. Papillose: with soft superficial protruberances or glands. Paripinnate: pinnate with an equal number of members on each side of the axis and without an odd terminal one. Peduncle: the common stalk of more than two flowers. Pericarp: the outer wall of a fertised ovary or fruit. Petal: a single member of the corolla. Petaloid: like petals. Petiolate: leaves with stalks. Pinnae: the lobes of a bipinnate leaf. Pinnate: leaflets arranged on each side of a common axis. Pinnatifid: deeply lobed to about half-way down or more with the lobes pinnately arranged. Pinnatisect: pinnatifid down to the mid-rib. Plicate: plaited. Plumule: primary leaf-bud in an embryo. Pneumatophore: vertical outgrowths of roots which facilitate breathing in some swamp plants. Pollinia: pollen masses, as in orchids. Pubescent: clothed with short soft hairs. Pyriform: pear-shaped.