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Sepal : member of calyx. outermost part of flower; usually green. Sessile : without a stalk. Shrub : a woody perennial plant smaller than a treen and usually with several basal stems Species : a term for all the individuals of one kind. Spherical = globose : a 3 - dimensional solid, round in outline, like the earth. Spore (fern ) : reproductive body of lower plants, usually single cell. Stamen : male organ of flower, consisting of filament (stalk) and anther containing pollen. Sterile : infertile and unproductive, as
a flower without a pistil, a stamen without an anther or a leafy shoot
Stigma : sticky or feathery area above ovary, receiving pollen at pollination. Stipule : leafy outgrowth, often paired, arising at the base of the leaf stalk. Style : the usually stalk-like part of a pistil connecting the ovary and stigma. Substrate : material in or on which plant is growing, e.g. soil, rock, sand. Scaberulous: covered with small hard rough hairs. Scandent: climbing. Scutellum: a second and anterior cotyledon in grasses, as in wheat. Sessile: without stalk. Setaceous: with long, stiff needle-like hairs. Sinus: a recess or re-entering angle. Soriferous: bearing sori,i.e. the reproductive organs in ferns. Spadix: a flower spike with a fleshy axis. Spathe: a more or less modified bract encloseing an inflorescence. Spiciform: a spike-like inflorescence. Spike: an inflorescence with sessile flowers on a usually elongate axis. Spikelet: an ultimate part of a spike with 1 or more sessile flowers. Staminode: an abortive stamen without anther and pollen. Standard: referred to the prominent flag-like petal in the pea-family (papilionaceae) Stellate: star-like, usually referred to hairs on plant parts. Stigma: the terminal part of pistil which receives the pollen. Stipitate: stalked. Stipule: a lateral appendage at the base of the petiole. Strobilate: an inflorescence largely made up of overlapping bracts, like a pine-cone. Sulcate: grooved or furrowed. Superior: situated above other parts; usually referred to the position of a ovary in a flower. Sympodial: a stem with a series of superposed branches appearing to be a simple axis. Syncarpous: composed of two or more united carpels.