Aegialitis rotundifolia Roxb.
Shrub upto 3 m high, without any aerial
roots, but the base of the trunk is swollen and fluted with spongy tissue
Bark dark grey or blackish grey and fissured
Stem straight, with inconspicuous leaf
scars on shoot
Leaf simple, alternate, cauline, exstipulate,
Petiole 5.0 cm 8.5 cm long. dilated at
base, clasping the stem. tubular leaf sheath, glabrous, solid but spongy,
gradually narrow towards the lamina
Lamina broad ovate, coriaceous, slightly
fleshy, deep green, dorsiventral, dorsal side shiny, entire, obtuse, cuneate
at base
Inflorescence raceme, branched, peduncle
upto 6.0 cm long, developed from sheathing petiole
Flower bracteate, one bract and two bracteoles,
bract ovate-lanceolate, entire, obtuse, curved, upto 1 cm long and 0.8
cm broad, green, bracteoles same as bract, but mucronate apex
Flower complete, pentamerous, regular,
Sepals 5, gamosepalous, 5 lobes above,
short adjoining at abse, each lobe 1.0 cm long and 0.2 cm broad, entire,
acute, green, glabrous, coriaceous, persistent, valvate, inferior
Petals 5, polypetalous, linear oblong,
white, imbricate, entire, obtuse, herbaceous, alternate to sepals
Stamens 5, adhere, filament base adjoining
to form short hollow tube, thin, filament whitish, terete, glabroaus, soft,
exerted, equal length, extrose, basifixed, anther segittate, bilobed
Carpels 5, syncarpous, ovary oblong, one
chambered, basal placentation, styles 5, terminal, stigma absent