Represented by 4 genera and 11 species
in Indian mangroves
Medium to tall tree, trees with knee like
pneumatophores developed from the looping horizontal roots
Leaves largely lanceolate, acute,
reddish, yellowish to dark green
Flowers ebracteolate
Petals 2 lobed
Calyx lobes varies from 8 - 16, reddish,
yellowish or green
Petal numbers equal to sepals
Stamens 16 - 32
Ovary 2 - 4 celled
Hypocotyl not more than 25 cm long, ridged
or smooth
Shrub or small trees, broom like stilt roots
or flanges densely encircling the trunk bases, attaining about 50 cm height
Leaves ovate, obtuse or rounded
Flowers pentamerous
Petals with apical three appendages or
apical ciliated
Stamens 10 -12, ovary 3-celled
Hypocotyl ridged, 5 cm - 25 cm long
Medium tree, without aerial roots,
pneumatophores absent
Leaves broadly lanceolate, acute
Flowers pentamerous, petals bilobed and
each lobe apically multi-fid
Calyx lobes linear-oblong
Stamens indefinite with unequal filament
Ovary 1-celled
Hypocotyle 45 cm long with sharp end and
glabrous surface
Medium trees
Stilt roots long upto 3 m high or
Leaves broadly ovate, acute or mucronate
Flowers tetramerous, not lobed
Petals with marginal hairs or glabrous
Petals with apical appendages
Anthers opening with a ventral valve
Hypocotyle not ridged, upto 75 cm long
Ovary 2 celled, stamens 8 - 12