Heritiera fomes
Buch. Ham.
Evergreen tall medium tree, attaining
upt o 25 m height
Leaf alternate, simple, stipulate, stipules
in pairs in each node, petiolate
Petioles 1 cm long, terete, gray, slightly
woody, inconspicuous
Lamina elliptic lanceolate, entire, acute,
tapering, coriaceous, slightly hard, dorsiventral
Dorsal surface pale green glabrous, ventral
surface whitish gray, rough surface with scallt indumentum, unicostate
reticulate venation.
Inflorescence mixed, ebracteate, peduncle
bent and pendulous, much branched
Flowers ebracteate, regular, unisexual,
achlamydous, small, pedicellate
Pedicel 0.65 cm long, terete, pubiscent,
soft, easilly dissociate from the thalamus, 0.1 cm long
Sepals four - five, gamosepalous, globose,
cup-shaped, tube beneath, upper 4-5 apical lobes. Lobes ovate, entire,
acute, pubescent, both inner and outer surface leathery. Petals absent
Male flower : Stamens 5, fused to form
cylinder dumbel known as pistilloid and to form globose structure
Anther distinctly bifurcated with apical
white beak, yellow, longitudinally dehiscent, minute, introrse, inserted
Female flower : Carpels 4-5, apocarpous,
loosely attached, 0.25 cm long, each ovary flattened, superior, closely
aggregated to form globose structure, single chambered with 1 ovule, basal
placentation. Style terminal long, white but after maturation it becomes
Fruit a cluster of woody indehiscent keeled
or winged ripe carpels, knobby with ventral ridge together with a transverse
Seeds solitary without vivipary but can
float on the tidal water.
Economic Inportance
: Timber is much superior than teak and used for boat building and other
domestic furnitures. It check soil erosion in the tidal forests and loosely
consolidated silted up soil.