Heritiera kanikensis  Banerjee & Majumdar


Heritiera kanikensis Banerjee & Majum 

Medium sized tree, 5 - 7 m tall; pneumatophores many from roots at stem base 
Leaves 4-10 x 2-5 cm, elliptic-lanceolate, obtuse or rarely acute at apex, tapering towards base, upper surface glabrous, green, lower surface hairy with adpressed shining scales. 
Male flower brownish white, androgynophore 1 mm long; anther lobes 8, united to form a ring, crowned by sterile rudimentary ovaries at apex 
Female flowers with ca 1 mm long ellipsoid ovaries. 
Fruits globose, rough, 1.5 - 2 mm in diam, without transverse circular ridge or apical crest.