Brownlowia lanceolata  (L.)  Kostern.
Brownlowia lanceolata (L.) Kostern. 

Branched shrub attaining 3.0 m height and the twining twig seemed to be brownish 
Tap root system developed 
Bark brownish black, smooth 
Leaves simple, alternate, exstipulate, petiolate 
Lamina 10 - 14 cm long and 2.5 - 4 cm wide, entire, acute, round, coriaceous, dorsiventral, dorsal surface green, glabrous, shiny, ventral surface pale-green, leathery, unicostate reticulate venation 
Inflorescence mixed cyme 
Flowers ebracteate, bisexual, complete, regular, pendulous, pedicellate 
Sepals 4, polysepalous, ovate, entire, blunt, curved, outer surface rough having dark brown spots, inner surface, glabrous, coriaceous, brwonish 
Petals 6, polypetalous, obovate, entire, curved, angled, narrow venation towards apex, herbaceous 
Stamens indefinite, free, filament exerted, extrose, basifixed, anther bilobed 
Carpels 3, apocarpous, ovary superior, one chambered, tow ovules in each chamber, axile placentation 
Stye terminal, glabrous, terete, greenish, stigma absent