SIGNS AND SYMPTOMSShrimps lethargic with surface and gill fouling. The virus affect all life stages. Disease severe in postlarvae and senescent adults. High cumulative mortalities.CAUSEType A baculovirusDIAGNOSISTentative diagnosed by microscopic demonstration of single or multiple spherical intranuclear occlusion bodies in fresh squash preparation of hepatopancreas under phase contrast microscope or by staining with 0.1% malachite green (darkly stained intranuclear occlusion bodies.) Confirmed by demonstration of characteristic single or multiple oval eosinophilic intranuclear occulsions with associated histopathology by hematoxylene and eosine (H & E) staining.PREVENTIONUse MBV-free stock for culture purpose. MBV infections are tolerated by P. monodon until the environment conditions are not hostile. Hence, it is essential to maintain good water quality by increased water exchange in order to minimise risks of secondary bacterial infections cumulatively leading to mortality.CONTROLNot known. Destroy affected shrimp by burning or burying them after mixing with lime away from the culture facility |