Telson : Terminal somite of the abdomen

Tergite : Dorsal chitinous plate of each segment

Thelycum : External seminal receptacle lying on sternum of the thorax and formed by outgrowth from the last and next to last thoracic somites. Two types of thelyca are discernible in Penaeid prawns, the open type with ridges and protuberences for the attachment of spermatophores and the closed type possessing two flaps and enclosing a seminal receptacle where spermatophores are deposited.

Tomentose body : Covered closely with matted hairs or fibrils

Tomentum : The closely matted hairs

Trichobranchiate : The gills filaments broken into fingers like bits, appearing like the bristles of a bottle brush

Truncate : Terminating abruptly or as of tapering end is cut off

Tumid lips : Swollen or turgid

Copyright 1997 Bioinformatics Centre, National Institute of Oceanography, Dona Paula, Goa, India