Publications Details
S.No. Authors Title Journal Volume Pages Year
1 #Madhukar, Geet#Subbarao, Naidu Potential inhibitors of RPS6KB2 and NRF2 in head and neck squamous cell J Biomol Struct Dyn 1-26 2023
2 #Kanneganti, Jithisree#Mina, Usha#Singh, Ankita#Gautam, Anuradha#Somvanshi, Pallavi Anti Mtb Medicinal Plants Database (AMMPDB): A curated database of Indian J Ayurveda Integr Med 14 100712 2023
3 #Roy, Umesh C#Bandyopadhyay, Pradipta Correlation between protein conformations and water structure and thermodynamics at high pressure: A molecular dynamics study of the Bovine Pancreatic Trypsin Inhibitor (BPTI) protein J Chem Phys 158 095102 2023
4 #Shankar, Rama#Dwivedi, Anuj Kumar#Singh, Vikram#Jain, Mukesh Genome-wide discovery of genetic variations between rice cultivars with Physiol Plant 175 e13879 2023
5 #Kashif, Mohammad#Subbarao, Naidu Identification of potential novel inhibitors against glutamine synthetase J Biomol Struct Dyn 1-9 2023
6 #Garg, Rohini#Subudhi, Prasanta K#Varshney, Rajeev K#Jain, Mukesh Editorial: Abiotic stress: Molecular genetics and genomics, volume II Front Plant Sci 13 1101139 2023
7 #Kaur, Harbinder#Lynn, Andrew M Mapping the FtsQBL divisome components in bacterial NTD pathogens as Front Genet 13 1010870 2023
8 #Sangeeta#Bhattacherjee, Arnab Interdomain dynamics in human Replication Protein A regulates kinetics and PLoS One 18 e0278396 2023
9 #Choudhary, Prassan#Waseem, Mohd#Kumar, Sunil#Subbarao, Naidu#Srivastava, Shilpi#Chakdar, Hillol Y12F mutation in Pseudomonas plecoglossicida S7 lipase enhances its World J Microbiol Biotechnol 39 75 2023
10 #Kumar Mishra, Sujeet#Bhattacherjee, Arnab Understanding the Target Search by Multiple Transcription Factors on Chemphyschem 24 e202200644 2023
11 #Raheja, Dinesh Kumar#Kumar, Sachin#Chakrabartty, Shubhro#Kanaujia, Binod Kumar Design and Development of a Triple-Band Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output Micromachines (Basel) 13 2022
12 #Mondal, Anupam#Bhattacherjee, Arnab Understanding protein diffusion on force-induced stretched DNA Front Mol Biosci 9 953689 2022
13 #Varghese, Dana Mary#Nussinov, Ruth#Ahmad, Shandar Predictive modeling of moonlighting DNA-binding proteins NAR Genom Bioinform 4 lqac091 2022
14 #Mondal, Anupam#Mishra, Sujeet Kumar#Bhattacherjee, Arnab Nucleosome breathing facilitates cooperative binding of pluripotency Biophys J 121 4526-4542 2022
15 #Swargam, Sandeep#Kumari, Indu#Kumar, Amit#Pradhan, Dibyabhaba#Alam, Anwar#Singh, Harpreet#Jain, Anuja#Devi, Kangjam Rekha#Trivedi, Vishal#Sarma, Jogesh#Hanif, Mahmud#Narain, Kanwar#Ehtesham, Nasreen Zafar#Hasnain, Seyed Ehtesham#Ahmad, Shandar MycoVarP: Mycobacterium Variant and Drug Resistance Prediction Pipeline Front Bioinform 1 805338 2022
16 #Sharma, Preeti#Tiwari, Rakesh N#Singh, Prabhakar#Kumar, Pradeep#Kanaujia, Binod K MIMO Antennas: Design Approaches, Techniques and Applications Sensors (Basel) 22 2022
17 #Jain, Mukesh#Bansal, Juhi#Rajkumar, Mohan Singh#Garg, Rohini An integrated transcriptome mapping the regulatory network of coding and Commun Biol 5 1106 2022
18 #Bhardwaj, Tulika#Ahmad, Irshad#Somvanshi, Pallavi Systematic analysis to identify novel disease indications and plausible J Mol Recognit 36 e2997 2022
19 #Manish, Manish#Mishra, Smriti#Anand, Ayush#Subbarao, Naidu Computational molecular interaction between SARS-CoV-2 main protease and Comput Biol Med 150 106125 2022
20 #Chaturvedi, Maya#Mishra, Mohit#Pandey, Achyut#Gupta, Jyoti#Pandey, Jyoti#Gupta, Shilpi#Malik, Md Zubbair#Somvanshi, Pallavi#Chaturvedi, Rupesh Oxidative Products of Curcumin Rather Than Curcumin Bind to Helicobacter Molecules 27 2022
21 #Dabburu, Govinda Rao#Jain, Aakriti#Subbarao, Naidu#Kumar, Manish Designing dual inhibitors against potential drug targets of Plasmodium J Biomol Struct Dyn 1-16 2022
22 #Ashraf, Ghulam#Rehan, Mohd#Alsayed, Alhuseen O#Somvanshi, Pallavi#Haque, Shafiul Drug repurposing against galectin-3 using simulation-based studies J Biomol Struct Dyn 1-8 2022
23 #Kumari, Madhulata#Subbarao, Naidu Development of a deep learning-based quantitative structure-activity Future Med Chem 14 1541-1559 2022
24 #Khemka, Niraj#Rajkumar, Mohan Singh#Garg, Rohini#Jain, Mukesh Genome-wide analysis suggests the potential role of lncRNAs during seed Planta 256 79 2022
25 #Jain, Anuja#Mittal, Shikha#Tripathi, Lokesh P#Nussinov, Ruth#Ahmad, Shandar Host-pathogen protein-nucleic acid interactions: A comprehensive review Comput Struct Biotechnol J 20 4415-4436 2022
26 #Verma, Ram Nayan#Malik, Md Zubbair#Subbarao, Naidu#Singh, Gajendra Pratap#Sinha, Durgesh Nandini Entamoeba histolytica HM-1: IMSS gene expression profiling identifies key Biosci Rep 42 2022
27 #Antra#Parashar, Palak#Hungyo, Hungharla#Jain, Anuja#Ahmad, Shandar#Tandon, Vibha Unraveling molecular mechanisms of head and neck cancer Crit Rev Oncol Hematol 178 103778 2022
28 #Madhukar, Geet#Subbarao, Naidu Identification of potent and novel inhibitors against RAC1: a Rho family In Silico Pharmacol 10 13 2022
29 #Yadav, Ajeet Kumar#Bandyopadhyay, Pradipta#Coutsias, Evangelos A#Dill, Ken A Crustwater: Modeling Hydrophobic Solvation J Phys Chem B 126 6052-6062 2022
30 #Priya, Prerna#Basit, Abdul#Bandyopadhyay, Pradipta A strategy to optimize the peptide-based inhibitors against different J Biomol Struct Dyn 1-12 2022
31 #Waseem, Mohd#Thakur, Jitendra K#Subbarao, Naidu Prediction of novel and potent inhibitors of lanosterol 14-α demethylase J Biomol Struct Dyn 1-13 2022
32 #Verma, Jyoti#Hasan, Abdul#Sunil, Sujatha#Subbarao, Naidu In silico identification and in vitro antiviral validation of potential J Comput Aided Mol Des 36 521-536 2022
33 #Arya, Ajay#Mary Varghese, Dana#Kumar Verma, Ajay#Ahmad, Shandar Inadequacy of Evolutionary Profiles Vis-a-vis Single Sequences in J Mol Biol 434 167640 2022
34 #Li, Ruiting#Singh, Ruhar#Kashav, Tara#Yang, Chunmin#Sharma, Ravi Datta#Lynn, Andrew M#Prasad, Rajendra#Prakash, Amresh#Kumar, Vijay Computational Insights of Unfolding of N-Terminal Domain of TDP-43 Reveal Front Mol Neurosci 15 822863 2022
35 #Sirohi, Preeti Rana#Kumari, Anchala#Admane, Nikita#Somvanshi, Pallavi#Grover, Abhinav The polyphenolic phytoalexin polydatin inhibits amyloid aggregation of RSC Adv 11 25901-25911 2021
36 #Li, Kunhe#Oiwa, Nestor Norio#Mishra, Sujeet Kumar#Heermann, Dieter W Inter-nucleosomal potentials from nucleosomal positioning data Eur Phys J E Soft Matter 45 33 2022
37 #Girdhar, Neha#Kumari, Nilima#Krishnamachari, A Computational characterization and analysis of molecular sequence data of BMC Res Notes 15 133 2022
38 #Kumari, Madhulata#Subbarao, Naidu A hybrid resampling algorithms SMOTE and ENN based deep learning models Future Med Chem 14 701-715 2022
39 #Singh, Yashbir#Subbarao, Naidu#Jaimini, Abhinav#Hathaway, Quincy A#Kunovac, Amina#Erickson, Bradley#Swarup, Vishnu#Singh, Himanshu Narayan Genome-wide expression reveals potential biomarkers in breast cancer bone J Integr Bioinform 19 2022
40 #Chirom, Keilash#Malik, Md Zubbair#Mangangcha, Irengbam Rocky#Somvanshi, Pallavi#Singh, R K Brojen Network medicine in ovarian cancer: topological properties to drug Brief Bioinform 23 2022
41 #Bano, Shadabi#Khan, Abdul Burhan#Fatima, Sana#Rashid, Qudsia#Prakash, Amresh#Gupta, Neha#Ahmad, Irshad#Ansari, Shoyab#Lynn, Andrew M#Abid, Mohammad#Jairajpuri, Mohamad Aman Mannose 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-O-pentasulfate (MPS): a partial activator of human heparin cofactor II with anticoagulation potential J Biomol Struct Dyn 41 3717-3727 2022
42 #Verma, Jyoti#Subbarao, Naidu In silico identification of small molecule protein-protein interaction J Biomol Struct Dyn 41 3349-3367 2022
43 #Kumari, Madhulata#Waseem, Mohd#Subbarao, Naidu Discovery of multi-target mur enzymes inhibitors with anti-mycobacterial J Biomol Struct Dyn 41 2878-2899 2022
44 #Tazyeen, Safia#Ahmed, Mohd Murshad#Farooqui, Anam#Alam, Aftab#Malik, Md Zubbair#Saeed, Mohd#Ahmad, Irfan#Abohashrh, Mohammed#Singh, R K Brojen#Ishrat, Romana Identification of key regulators in Sarcoidosis through multidimensional Sci Rep 12 1236 2022
45 #Zaidi, Sahar#Bhardwaj, Tulika#Somvanshi, Pallavi#Khan, Asad U Proteomic Characterization and Target Identification Against Streptococcus Protein J 41 166-178 2022
46 #Mallen, Joshua#Kalsan, Manisha#Zarrineh, Peyman#Bridoux, Laure#Ahmad, Shandar#Bobola, Nicoletta Molecular Characterization of HOXA2 and HOXA3 Binding Properties J Dev Biol 9 2021
47 #Kandpal, Manu#Dhaka, Namrata#Sharma, Rita Genome-wide in silico analysis of long intergenic non-coding RNAs from Physiol Mol Biol Plants 27 2389-2406 2021
48 #Mondal, Anupam#Mishra, Sujeet Kumar#Bhattacherjee, Arnab Kinetic origin of nucleosome invasion by pioneer transcription factors Biophys J 120 5219-5230 2021
49 #Kumari, Madhulata#Singh, Ruhar#Subbarao, Naidu Exploring the interaction mechanism between potential inhibitor and J Biomol Struct Dyn 40 13497-13526 2021
50 #Priyadarshini#Negi, Abhishek#Faujdar, Chetna#Nigam, Lokesh#Subbarao, Naidu Exploring the Molecular Level Interaction of Human Serum Albumin with Protein Pept Lett 28 1281-1289 2021
51 #Rajkumar, Mohan Singh#Jain, Mukesh#Garg, Rohini Discovery of DNA polymorphisms via whole genome resequencing and their Physiol Plant 173 1573-1586 2021
52 #Dhillon, Harnoor#Chaudhari, Prabhat Kumar#Dhingra, Kunaal#Kuo, Rong-Fu#Sokhi, Ramandeep Kaur#Alam, Mohammad Khursheed#Ahmad, Shandar Current Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Cleft Care: A Scoping Front Med (Lausanne) 8 676490 2021
53 #Jawa, Yashika#Yadav, Pooja#Gupta, Shruti#Mathan, Sivapar V#Pandey, Jyoti#Saxena, Ajay K#Kateriya, Suneel#Tiku, Ashu B#Mondal, Neelima#Bhattacharya, Jaydeep#Ahmad, Shandar#Chaturvedi, Rupesh#Tyagi, Rakesh K#Tandon, Vibha#Singh, Rana P Current Insights and Advancements in Head and Neck Cancer: Emerging Front Oncol 11 676948 2021
54 #Singh, Vikram#Jain, Mukesh Recent advancements in CRISPR-Cas toolbox for imaging applications Crit Rev Biotechnol 42 2021
55 #Tiwari, Neha#Mishra, Rakesh Kumar#Gupta, Sakshi#Srivastava, Rakesh#Aggarwal, Soumya#Bandyopadhyay, Pradipta#Munde, Manoj Synthetic Tunability and Biophysical Basis for Fabricating Highly Langmuir 37 9385-9395 2021
56 #Kedhari Sundaram, Madhumitha#Almutary, Abdulmajeed G#Alsulimani, Ahmad#Rehan Ahmad, Syed#Somvanshi, Pallavi#Bhardwaj, Tulika#Pellicano, Rinaldo#Fagoonee, Sharmila#Hussain, Arif#Haque, Shafiul Antineoplastic action of sulforaphane on HeLa cells by modulation of Minerva Med 112 792-803 2021
57 #Samal, Areejit#Pharasi, Hirdesh K#Ramaia, Sarath Jyotsna#Kannan, Harish#Saucan, Emil#Jost, Jürgen#Chakraborti, Anirban Network geometry and market instability R Soc Open Sci 8 201734 2021
58 #Vishwakarma, Poonam#Meena, Naveen Kumar#Prasad, Rajendra#Lynn, Andrew M#Banerjee, Atanu ABC-finder: A containerized web server for the identification and topology Biochim Biophys Acta Biomembr 1863 183640 2021
59 #Ali, Mohd Sajid#Waseem, Mohd#Subbarao, Naidu#Al-Lohedan, Hamad A Noncovalent molecular interactions between antineoplastic drug gemcitabine Int J Biol Macromol 182 993-1002 2021
60 #Jain, Mukesh#Garg, Rohini Enhancers as potential targets for engineering salinity stress tolerance Physiol Plant 173 1382-1391 2021
61 #Kumari, Madhulata#Subbarao, Naidu Identification of novel multitarget antitubercular inhibitors against J Biomol Struct Dyn 40 8185-8196 2021
62 #Srivastava, Ambuj#Yesudhas, Dhanusha#Ahmad, Shandar#Gromiha, M Michael Deciphering the Role of Residues Involved in Disorder-To-Order Transition Genes (Basel) 12 2021
63 #Srivastava, Ambuj#Yesudhas, Dhanusha#Ahmad, Shandar#Gromiha, M Michael Understanding disorder-to-order transitions in protein-RNA complexes using J Biomol Struct Dyn 40 7915-7925 2021
64 #Bhardwaj, Vaibhav#Vishwakarma, Poonam#Lynn, Andrew#Sharma, Nimisha Deletion of the non-essential Rpb9 subunit of RNA polymerase II results in Biochim Biophys Acta Proteins Proteom 1869 140654 2021
65 #Mangangcha, Irengbam Rocky#Brojen Singh, Raj Kumar#Lebeche, Djamel#Ali, Shakir Xanthone glucoside J Biomol Struct Dyn 40 7868-7884 2021
66 #Rajkumar, Mohan Singh#Garg, Rohini#Jain, Mukesh Genome resequencing reveals DNA polymorphisms associated with seed Genomics 113 1458-1468 2021
67 #Chennakesavulu, Kunchapu#Singh, Harshita#Trivedi, Prabodh Kumar#Jain, Mukesh#Yadav, Shri Ram State-of-the-Art in CRISPR Technology and Engineering Drought, Salinity, Plant Cell Rep 41 2021
68 #Khemka, Niraj#Singh Rajkumar, Mohan#Garg, Rohini#Jain, Mukesh Genome-wide profiling of miRNAs during seed development reveals their Plant Direct 5 e00299 2021
69 #Kumari, Madhulata#Subbarao, Naidu Deep learning model for virtual screening of novel 3C-like protease enzyme Comput Biol Med 132 104317 2021
70 #Saha, Satabdi#Nandi, Rajat#Vishwakarma, Poonam#Prakash, Amresh#Kumar, Diwakar Discovering Potential RNA Dependent RNA Polymerase Inhibitors as Front Pharmacol 12 634047 2021
71 #Mandal, Saurav#Roychowdhury, Tanmoy#Bhattacharya, Alok Pattern of genomic variation in SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) suggests restricted J Biosci 46 2021
72 #Dhaka, Namrata#Sharma, Rita MicroRNA-mediated regulation of agronomically important seed traits: a Crit Rev Biotechnol 41 594-608 2021
73 #Afreen, Rukhsar#Tyagi, Shivani#Singh, Gajendra Pratap#Singh, Mamtesh Challenges and Perspectives of Polyhydroxyalkanoate Production From Front Bioeng Biotechnol 9 624885 2021
74 #Danishuddin#Subbarao, Naidu#Khan, Mohd#Alouffi, Sultan#Khan, Shahper New Framework for the Discovery of PRC2 Inhibitors: Epigenetic Drugs Curr Drug Targets 22 1198-1206 2021
75 #Bhaskar, Avantika#Paul, Laju K#Sharma, Eshan#Jha, Sampoornananda#Jain, Mukesh#Khurana, Jitendra P OsRR6, a type-A response regulator in rice, mediates cytokinin, light and Plant Physiol Biochem 161 98-112 2021
76 #Yadav, Ajeet Kumar#Bandyopadhyay, Pradipta#Urbic, Tomaz#Dill, Ken A Analytical 2-Dimensional Model of Nonpolar and Ionic Solvation in Water J Phys Chem B 125 1861-1873 2021
77 #Singh, R K Sanayaima#Malik, Md Zubbair#Singh, R K Brojen Diversity of SARS-CoV-2 isolates driven by pressure and health index Epidemiol Infect 149 e38 2021
78 #Lovell, John T#MacQueen, Alice H#Mamidi, Sujan#Bonnette, Jason#Jenkins, Jerry#Napier, Jose#Sreedasyam, Avinash#Healey, Adam#Session, Adam#Shu, Shengqiang#Barry, Kerrie#Bonos, Stacy#Boston, Loribeth#Daum, Christopher#Deshpande, Shweta#Ewing, Aren#Grabowski, Paul P#Haque, Taslima#Harrison, Melanie#Jiang, Jiming#Kudrna, Dave#Lipzen, Anna#Pendergast, Thomas H, 4th#Plott, Chris#Qi, Peng#Saski, Christopher A#Shakirov, Eugene V#Sims, David#Sharma, Manoj#Sharma, Rita#Stewart, Ada#Singan, Vasanth R#Tang, Yuhong#Thibivillier, Sandra#Webber, Jenell#Weng, Xiaoyu#Williams, Melissa#Wu, Guohong Albert#Yoshinaga, Yuko#Zane, Matthew#Zhang, Li#Zhang, Jiyi#Behrman, Kathrine D#Boe, Arvid R#Fay, Philip A#Fritschi, Felix B#Jastrow, Julie D#Lloyd-Reilley, John#Martínez-Reyna, Juan Manuel#Matamala, Roser#Mitchell, Robert B#Rouquette, Francis M, Jr#Ronald, Pamela#Saha, Malay#Tobias, Christian M#Udvardi, Michael#Wing, Rod A#Wu, Yanqi#Bartley, Laura E#Casler, Michael#Devos, Katrien M#Lowry, David B#Rokhsar, Daniel S#Grimwood, Jane#Juenger, Thomas E#Schmutz, Jeremy Genomic mechanisms of climate adaptation in polyploid bioenergy Nature 590 438-444 2021
79 #Jangid, Amit#Malik, Md Zubbair#Ramaswamy, Ram#Singh, R K Brojen Transition and identification of pathological states in p53 dynamics for Sci Rep 11 2349 2021
80 #Verma, Jyoti#Subbarao, Naidu A comparative study of human betacoronavirus spike proteins: structure, Arch Virol 166 697-714 2021
81 #Mishra, Chandra Bhushan#Pandey, Preeti#Sharma, Ravi Datta#Malik, Md Zubbair#Mongre, Raj Kumar#Lynn, Andrew M#Prasad, Rajendra#Jeon, Raok#Prakash, Amresh Identifying the natural polyphenol catechin as a multi-targeted agent Brief Bioinform 22 2021
82 #Marla, Soma S#Mishra, Pallavi#Maurya, Ranjeet#Singh, Mohar#Wankhede, Dhammaprakash Pandhari#Kumar, Anil#Yadav, Mahesh C#Subbarao, N#Singh, Sanjeev K#Kumar, Rajesh Refinement of Draft Genome Assemblies of Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan) Front Genet 11 607432 2020
83 #Gupta, Shruti#Verma, Ajay Kumar#Ahmad, Shandar Feature Selection for Topological Proximity Prediction of Single-Cell Genes (Basel) 12 2020
84 #Madhukar, Geet#Subbarao, Naidu Current and Future Therapeutic Targets: A Review on Treating Head and Neck Curr Cancer Drug Targets 21 386-400 2021
85 #Madhukar, Geet#Subbarao, Naidu In-silico prediction of potential inhibitors against phosphatidylinositol J Biomol Struct Dyn 40 4697-4712 2020
86 #Kandpal, Manu#Vishwakarma, Chandrapal#Krishnan, Kushagra#Chinnusamy, Viswanathan#Pareek, Ashwani#Sharma, Manoj K#Sharma, Rita Gene Expression Dynamics in Rice Peduncles at the Heading Stage Front Genet 11 584678 2020
87 #Subudhi, Prasanta K#Shankar, Rama#Jain, Mukesh Whole genome sequence analysis of rice genotypes with contrasting response Sci Rep 10 21259 2020
88 #Bansal, Juhi#Gupta, Khushboo#Rajkumar, Mohan Singh#Garg, Rohini#Jain, Mukesh Draft genome and transcriptome analyses of halophyte rice Oryza coarctata Physiol Plant 173 1309-1322 2020
89 #Kumar, Niranjan#Srivastava, Rakesh#Prakash, Amresh#Lynn, Andrew M Virtual screening and free energy estimation for identifying Mycobacterium J Mol Graph Model 102 107770 2020
90 #Bhattacharjee, Annapurna#Srivastava, Prabhakar Lal#Nath, Onkar#Jain, Mukesh Genome-wide discovery of OsHOX24-binding sites and regulation of Plant Mol Biol 105 205-214 2020
91 #Basit, Abdul#Mishra, Rakesh Kumar#Bandyopadhyay, Pradipta Calcium ion binding to calmodulin: binding free energy calculation using J Biomol Struct Dyn 39 7213-7222 2020
92 #Ahmad, Shandar Potential of age distribution profiles for the prediction of COVID-19 Inform Med Unlocked 20 100364 2020
93 #Verma, Jyoti#Subbarao, Naidu Designing novel inhibitors against cyclopropane mycolic acid synthase 3 J Biomol Struct Dyn 39 6339-6354 2020
94 #Rajkumar, Mohan Singh#Garg, Rohini#Jain, Mukesh Genome-wide discovery of DNA polymorphisms via resequencing of chickpea Physiol Plant 174 e13611 2021
95 #Tehlan, Ankita#Bhowmick, Krishanu#Kumar, Amarjeet#Subbarao, Naidu#Dhar, Suman Kumar The tetrameric structure of Plasmodium falciparum phosphoglycerate mutase J Biol Chem 298 101713 2022
96 #Sharma, Deepti#Kanaujia, Binod Kumar#Kaim, Vikrant#Mittra, Raj#Arya, Ravi Kumar#Matekovits, Ladislau Design and implementation of compact dual-band conformal antenna for Sci Rep 12 3165 2022
97 #Kandhol, Nidhi#Jain, Mukesh#Tripathi, Durgesh Kumar Nanoparticles as potential hallmarks of drought stress tolerance in plants Physiol Plant 174 e13665 2022
98 #Lalwani, Amit Kumar#Krishnan, Kushagra#Bagabir, Sali Abubaker#Alkhanani, Mustfa F#Almalki, Atiah H#Haque, Shafiul#Sharma, Saurabh Kumar#Singh, R K Brojen#Malik, Md Zubbair Network Theoretical Approach to Explore Factors Affecting Signal Biomolecules 12 2022
99 #Jain, Mukesh#Bansal, Juhi#Rajkumar, Mohan Singh#Sharma, Naveen#Khurana, Jitendra P#Khurana, Paramjit Draft genome sequence of Indian mulberry (Morus indica) provides a Genomics 114 110346 2022
100 #Garg, Tushar#Singh, Zeenu#Chennakesavulu, Kunchapu#Mushahary, Khrang Khrang Khunggur#Dwivedi, Anuj Kumar#Varapparambathu, Vijina#Singh, Harshita#Singh, Raj Suryan#Sircar, Debabrata#Chandran, Divya#Prasad, Kalika#Jain, Mukesh#Yadav, Shri Ram Species-specific function of conserved regulators in orchestrating rice root architecture 149 2022
101 #Mishra, Sujeet Kumar#Li, Kunhe#Brauburger, Simon#Bhattacherjee, Arnab#Oiwa, Nestor Norio#Heermann, Dieter W Superstructure Detection in Nucleosome Distribution Shows Common Pattern Life (Basel) 12 2022
102 #Kumar, Niranjan#Srivastava, Rakesh#Mongre, Raj Kumar#Mishra, Chandra Bhushan#Kumar, Amit#Khatoon, Rosy#Banerjee, Atanu#Ashraf-Uz-Zaman#Singh, Harpreet#Lynn, Andrew M#Lee, Myeong-Sok#Prakash, Amresh Identifying the Novel Inhibitors Against the Mycolic Acid Biosynthesis Front Microbiol 13 818714 2022
103 #Basit, Abdul#Yadav, Ajeet Kumar#Bandyopadhyay, Pradipta Calcium Ion Binding to the Mutants of Calmodulin: A Structure-Based J Chem Inf Model 62 2821-2834 2022
104 #Khatoon, Rosy#Sharma, Suman#Prasad, Rajendra#Lynn, Andrew M#Prakash, Amresh#Banerjee, Atanu Genome-wide analysis of PTR transporters in Candida species and their Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 106 4223-4235 2022
105 #Banerjee, Atanu#Vishwakarma, Poonam#Meena, Naveen Kumar#Lynn, Andrew M#Prasad, Rajendra Bioinformatic Identification of ABC Transporters in Candida auris Methods Mol Biol 2517 229-240 2022
106 #Kumari, Madhulata#Subbarao, Naidu Convolutional neural network-based quantitative structure–activity relationship and fingerprint analysis against inhibitors of anthrax lethal factor Future Medicinal Chemistry 2023
107 #Verma, Ram Nayan#Deo, Rahul#Srivastava, Rakesh#Subbarao, Naidu#Singh, Gajendra Pratap A new fuzzy support vector machine with pinball loss Discover Artificial Intelligence 3 14 2023
108 Agrawal A, Chanana P, Yadav V, Bhutani V, Subbarao N, Srivastava A. Vitamin derivatives as potential drugs for Influenza Hemagglutinin J Biomol Struct Dyn 2022
109 Manish M, Mishra S, Pahuja M, Anand A, Subbarao N, Samudrala R. Computational Grafting of Epitopes Methods Mol Biol 2023
110 Kaur, Jasmine, Dhama, Ajay Singh, Buttolia, Harish, Kaur, Jasleen, Walia, Kamini, Ohri, Vinod, Kumar, Vinit, Lynn, Andrew M, Srivastava, Alok, Singh, Harpreet ICMR's Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance system (i-AMRSS): a promising tool for global antimicrobial resistance surveillance JAC Antimicrob Resist 3 2021
111 Verma, Jyoti, Subbarao, Naidu Insilico study on the effect of SARS-CoV-2 RBD hotspot mutants' interaction with ACE2 to understand the binding affinity and stability Virology 561 2021
112 Kushwaha, Pragya, Singh, Vineeta, Somvanshi, Pallavi, Bhardwaj, Tulika, Barreto, George E, Ashraf, Ghulam, Mishra, Bhartendu Nath, Chundawat, Rajendra Singh, Haque, Shafiul Identification of new BACE1 inhibitors for treating Alzheimer's disease J Mol Model 27 2021