1. aBiofilm 2. Clostridium 3. dbDiarrhea 4. HGV&TB 5. LSHGD
1. AHTPDB 2. AntiTbPdb 3. ApoCanD 4. CancerDR 5. CancerPDF 6. CancerPPD 7. HIPdb 8. HIVprotI 9. NeuroDNet 10. OCDD 11. RCDB 12. T2DiACoD 13. TumorHoPe
1. Filobase
1. anti-Nipah 2. CYP 3. HerceptinR
1. MYCbase: A Database of MY
1. Dengue Subtyper server - assigns serotype/genotype to query sequence 2. HIGDB 3. HRV Typer - assigns serotype to query sequence 4. HVPbase 5. MuV genotyping server 6. WNV Typer - to predict lineage/genotype of West Nile viruses