Medicinal importance of mangrove and their associates


Acanthus ilicifolius Acrostichum aurem Barringtonia racemosa
Caesalpinia bonduc Calophyllum inophyllum Ceriops tagal
Clerodendrum inerme Heritiera littoralis Hibiscus tiliaceus
Pongamia pinnata Scaevola taccada Terminalia catappa
Thespesia populnea Xylocarpus granatum


Plant part
Medicinal Importance
Acanthus ilicifolius Leaves Treating rheumatism and neuralgia
Acrostichum aurem Pounded rhizome Applied on wounds and boils
Barringtonia racemosa Roots 
Used as de-obstruent 
Cure for cough, asthma, diarrhoea 
Cure on jaundice (taken with milk)
Caesalpinia bonduc Leaf paste 

Leaves and bark 


Cure for applying on swollen testicles 

Posses emmenagogue, febrifuge and anthelmintic properties 
Cure for jaundice

Calophyllum inophyllum Seed oil Used for rheumantism, skin disease and leprosy
Ceriops tagal Decoction of shoots 
Leaf juice 
Cure for maleria 
Cure for skin diseases 
Cure for leprosy 
Used as purgative
Clerodendrum inerme Leaves 
Pain killing alternative and fobrifugal property
Heritiera littoralis Decoction of seeds Used for diarrhoea and dysentry
Hibiscus tiliaceus Roots 


Posseses, febrifuge, operative, emollient, sudorific, diuretic and laxative properties 
Used to cure pimples
Pongamia pinnata Bark, crushed seeds Cure for maleria 
Cure for skin disease, rheumatic joints, leprous sores
Scaevola taccada Leaves Used as febrifuge, cure on headache, cough
Terminalia catappa Leaves 
Leaf juice 
Leaf paste 
Treating rheumatic joints 
Curing scabies, cutaneous diseases 
Curing skin diseases 
Thespesia populnea Leaves Curing stomach troubles
Xylocarpus granatum Bark Cure for dysentery